Premiere | Ivana Lovrić Jović: Look How Lokrum Washes Its Teeth
Island of Lokrum 9.30pm
Premiere | Ivana Lovrić Jović: Look How Lokrum Washes Its Teeth


Dubrovnik Summer Festival and Marin Držić Theatre


Director: Paolo Tišljarić

Dramaturge: Marijana Fumić

Ivana Lovrić Jović’s novel Look How Lokrum Washes Its Teeth is a chronicle of the author’s childhood, her life with her father and without him. Her father is the central character of this well-composed text whose epistolary part appears as fiction, while its fact-based part occasionally turns into fiction. Ivana’s father is the cornerstone of her world, a mirror in which she discovers multiple layers of herself, following the stream of consciousness of the forceful narrative subject. He is a deep well in which she throws the stones of her memories, waiting for the water to stop rippling so she can see her face reflect in it, surprised by the encounter with herself. In this easily read novel with skilfully written shifts and timelines the father serves the role of an island.

He was professionally connected with the island of Lokrum, which washes its teeth with sea foam: the sea came first, women second, and literature third, leaving his daughter to constantly fight for her place between them. This production is a continuation of Dubrovnik Summer Festival’s collaboration with the Marin Držić Theatre, which also includes a series of adaptations of Croatian prose dedicated to the Mediterranean and Dubrovnik, by authors such as Marinković, Vojnović and Salečić. The play will be directed by Paolo Tišljarić, the director of the Marin Držić Theatre.

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