Dubrovnik delicacies

Returning home from a visit or holiday, take with you Dubrovnik delicacies...

Dubrovnik delicacies
such as kontonjata (quince cheese), mantala (must cheese), arancini (candied orange peel), caramelized almonds, dried figs, home-made fruit- and flower liqueurs and brandies with herbs. These traditional sweet delicacies and drinks are still made according to our grandmothers traditional recipes. Arancini are made of chemical-free oranges, kontonjata of golden-yellow quince and mantala is a kind of must cheese. The figs, dried in the hot Dubrovnik sun which conserves their precious ingredients and sugar, are outstandingly delicious. Liqueurs are made of sour cherries, green walnuts, nespole and rose petals soaked in brandy and sugar and kept in the sun. If you present your nearest and dearest with one of these delicacies, you will give them a part of Dubrovnik…

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