"In Corde Meo"
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"The author's distinctive and unique artistic world of Consuelo Palma grows out of the need for freedom of artistic creation and the effort to bridge the boundaries of the traditional in both the formal and content domain of the image. It crystallized from a personal worldview and an artistic need that builds on opposites, on the dichotomy of figurative and abstract, primordial and civilizational, apparent and spiritual, surface and volume. "Writing" the diary of her life with a painting, drawing or sculpture is a formula that Consuelo uses like a matrix in every work in order to speak intimately about her own existence, about ethical and aesthetic attitudes. Revealing our affective and emotional states in art, appealing to our mutual connection, to the fateful intertwining of human and divine, material and spiritual in us. The iconography of her work, built on stimuli from nature, on impressions during travels, encounters with new places and cultures, is "read" as archetypal... Her paintings and sculptures are global metaphors, a symbolically presented reality related to man's original experience. They are projections of natural sensations or civilizational legacies. These are imprints of life filtered by the author's emotion and imagination... You don't need a special visual and aesthetic sensibility to feel the symbolism and discover the spiritual content in this approach to artistic morphologies. Because the perception of her works has a wide scale of observational emotionality - from that of a child to the maturity of the observer who is willing and able to read more complex meanings from them. Meanings that the Dubrovnik exhibition fully reveals to us." - from the preface

Sanda Stanaćev Bajzek, curator, art critic



In "In corde meo" I show part of my work that captures, in some way, the journey of my life since I lived in Dubrovnik. Reflecting my personal process, from introspection in the search for belonging, until reaching a more liberating and playful period.

In a first stage, my work sought to connect the earthly with the emotional through concrete elements accompanied by abstractions that evoke emotions and connect with the soul, thus forming a unique, complex and powerful language that tries to convey what words cannot always express. on a subconscious or dream level.

Then the work transcends, and evolves into an intimate experience giving way to a liberation that opens the doors to a more universal and connected creation. Playing with the pictorial, with relationships and roles, creating new meanings that range from personal to universal perception.

Inspired by a poet from my native land, for me, art is not only beauty to excite the senses, but also to give sustenance to the soul.

Consuelo Palma

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